Hey all!

I have created a class that is a visual component that I would like to be
able to visually edit in Matisse. I have annotated the class as @JavaBean,
and included the @BeanProperty annotation on the property getter methods.
However, when I try to create a new instance in Matisse, it consistently
gives me the error message, "Cannot determine form type
(com.pekinsoft.api.View). Please make sure the class is a JavaBeans
component. The form cannot be opened."

When this first appeared, I tried creating a BeanInfo class for it,
compiled both of them, and still get the same error message.

What is the trick to being able to visually edit custom visual components
as forms in Matisse. I know that I must be missing something...

Thanks in advance for your help.


Sean Carrick
Owner - PekinSOFT Systems

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