JavaSE Deployment Tutorial Sample Code replacement

2023-09-09 Thread Stroud Custer
I put together a replacement for the sample code that is missing from the JavaSE Depoyment tutorial.  The code carrries the Apache software licence.  I have attached a zip file containing the project.  The tutorial itself would require just a few edits (primarily class names) to adapt it to

asciidoc plugin installed, but doesn't seem to have any effect

2023-08-31 Thread Stroud Custer
I installed the asciidoc plugin.  I had the following problems: The OpenJDK platform doesn't included JavaFX, which is required by the plugin.  I downloaded and unzipped the OpenFX archive and added the directory to the OpenJDK 19 classpath. Even with JavaFX installed and linked to the

Static Code Analysis Tutorial Review - FindBugs plugin not available

2023-08-26 Thread Stroud Custer
Static Code Analysis Tutorial This tutorial includes instructions for using a plugin called FindBugs, which is not shown in the list of Available  Plugins in NB19.  Is there a source for an NB19 version of this plugin?

call to deprecated System::setSecurityManager on netbeans startup

2022-05-25 Thread Stroud Custer
I received this message when starting netbeans 13 from the command line in Ubunutu 22.04 LTS. stroud@stroud-Latitude-E6530:~$ netbeans --jdkhome jdk- WARNING: A terminally deprecated method in java.lang.System has been called WARNING: System::setSecurityManager has been called by

Re:Netbeans with Snap packaged OpenJDK

2022-05-25 Thread Stroud Custer
I took the sage advice of several of the responders to this question and installed the Oracle version of Java into my home directory.  I did not have success with placing a modified netbeans.conf in the netbeans/etc file located in the snap directory in my home directory. To get

Netbeans with Snap packaged OpenJDK

2022-05-23 Thread Stroud Custer
I just installed Netbeans and OpenJDK onto by Kubuntu 22.04 LTS. For some reason the required aliases to map to java, etc.  were not created when OpenJDK was installed.  I created the aliases found in the file /var/snap/openjdk/common/openjdk.env. Typing "java", "javac", "jar"