I was inspired from reading JavaFX for NetBeans GUI that I’ve started to build 
bits and pieces of a prototype for this.  Finding myself unemployed again 
(something that’s really getting me down), I have plenty of time to think about 
this stuff and get my mind off my crumbling reality. 

Thomas J. Clancy,
To this day, many C programmers believe that "strong typing"
just means pounding extra hard on the keyboard.
                - Peter van der Linden, Expert C Programming

> On Aug 21, 2018, at 10:38 AM, Mithat Karaoglu <mithat.karao...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Quote from Chuck Davis's email:
> "...Combine a Java desktop app with a good server, EJB, JDBC and a good 
> datastore -- good business environment. ..."
> I strongly agree, this is exactly what we are doing in our company. We have 
> Windows, Linux and MAC desktops One large same desktop application runs on 
> all clients, connects to TomEE, MySQL running on a Linux server.
> =========
> Mithat Karaoglu
> Email: mithat.karao...@gmail.com <mailto:mithat.karao...@gmail.com>
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 10:12 AM, Geertjan Wielenga 
> <geertjan.wiele...@googlemail.com.invalid 
> <mailto:geertjan.wiele...@googlemail.com.invalid>> wrote:
> The Java desktop hasn't really found a place in software for small and medium 
> businesses -- probably because .NET is so dominant in that space. However, 
> that does not mean that the Java desktop has failed, since there's a LOT more 
> in the software world than software for small and medium business. How about, 
> for example, large business or let's say industrial business, e.g., 
> scientific data modeling (in banks, aerospace, etc) -- that's where there's 
> more Java desktop software. The Java desktop, again, is not so common for the 
> consumer marker, but all the more so for large back office systems.
> Gj
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 4:06 PM, Miroslav Nachev 
> <mnachev.nscenter...@gmail.com <mailto:mnachev.nscenter...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> In support of what Chuck Davis said, I would like to say that more than 90% 
> of the software for small and medium businesses in Bulgaria is made on 
> Microsoft .NET and MS SQL Server Express.
> For example, accounting and payroll software for micro and small businesses 
> is primarily on .NET, where the Web is not used.
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 4:49 PM, Chuck Davis <cjgun...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:cjgun...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Microsoft doesn't create the desktop apps.  They created a rich environment 
> for businesses to create the apps.  Can you say Intuit (their on-line version 
> is not a big hit from what I've heard)?  Nearly all accounting packages are 
> built for Windows only.  Nearly everything used in businesses is built for 
> Windows only.  I work currently in agriculture.  Our packing houses (and Ag 
> is a huge industry) are run by software only available on Windows desktops -- 
> certainly not browsers.
> Small businesses are not flocking to browser interfaces to get their real 
> work done.  
> If one looks only at Microsoft apps (and there are currently good 
> alternatives to those) he misses the big picture.  It's the rich development 
> environment they have provided that allows businesses to create the apps we 
> need to run our businesses -- unfortunately on Windows only.  Java is the 
> only viable alternative.
> I don't belong to the crowd who thinks Swing has been a failure.  It's been 
> wonderful in my experience (thanks in large part to NB).  But I've become 
> quite taken with FX as well (developed nicely with NB) -- for me it's been a 
> great journey to become proficient with it.  It's still got serious warts I 
> hope get fixed soon but it's a great start.  If FX falters I'll revert to 
> Swing in a heartbeat.  Desktop development, in my opinion, doesn't get any 
> better than Java.  Combine a Java desktop app with a good server, EJB, JDBC 
> and a good datastore -- good business environment.
> What mobile has done is teach people that for a good user experience you need 
> to download an app -- not a browser.
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 1:29 AM Emilian Bold <emilian.b...@protonmail.ch 
> <mailto:emilian.b...@protonmail.ch>> wrote:
> What new desktop apps did Microsoft release in the past years?
> They have a monopoly on office productivity apps (Word / Excel) but what 
> other desktop software products are these 'small businesses' buying?
> Small businesses may be the biggest employer but they are not the biggest 
> software (desktop) developer employers.
> The data just doesn't show this: where are the successful products, the 
> companies catering to small business, the jobs?
> --emi

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