Hi All,

I am using Netbeans for C++ code, on a project which should be compiled and
run on a Linux station AND on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ station, both running
Ubuntu Linux 64 (server for the Raspi).
Obviously, the station is powerful and the Raspi is no really ...

So, on the station, in my configuration "Debug" for example, I want to use
command like "make -j8 ......", while on Raspi, I would like to have in the
configuration "Debug remote" for example, the command "make -j1 ......".

I found in "Tools -> Options -> C/C++ -> Project Options" the parameter
"Make Options" but it is quite useless in my case, because if I add
parameter "-j1", it is OK on the Raspi, but not anymore on the station ...

Is there a way to modify the generated build files to achieve such a fine
grained tuning? Maybe a plugin is already solving the problem?
I used Platformio a long time ago, and I do not remember about such
problems, but it was on another project and I am not sure the compilation
was on both sides. I maybe should give a try again?

Thanks a lot for reading my request, and another big thanks if you have
some clue to save the situation!


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