
Does anybody know where to change the default Replace Code Format, which is 
used for setting Swing control properties?

It used to be: 

But now appears to be: 
org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage({sourceFileName}.class, "{key}")

The new default is a pain if you want to change the resource bundle to a 
different class, because the default autogenerated code doesn't pick up the new 
resource bundle, but rather is coded to the name of the source file that 
contains the Swing control. New control text-type properties are all created 
with the latter code format.  Please see the screenshot below for additional 

I used NetBeans 8.2 up until about a year ago, and then jumped to NetBeans 15, 
which I am now using.


Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

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