NB 18
Win 11-x64

Build command: c:\cygwin64\bin\g++.exe -O2 *.o -o Eliza.exe

I'm trying to use the C/C++ I/F. During a compile the error message "C:/cygwin64/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/11/collect2.exe: error while loading shared libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" was issued. I checked the location in cygwin and in the Win shell and the file is there. I tried to find documentation on C/C++ and failed. Can anyone give me a hand with fixing this problem?

I tried to find C/C++ NB documentation online to see if I could fix the issue - can't find it. I tried to find a video on the NB Youtube channel, and the only thing on C/C++ was debugging on NB 11.1 and a video on NB 8.1.
The Wiki seems to be concerned with NB developers.

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