Hi Everyone,

I am a "NetBeans Newbie", working on a Linux Fedora 38 Desktop workstation. I have "Java OpenJDK 17.0.9", "Scala 3.4.0" and "NetBeans IDE 20" installed. I would like to configure NetBeans so it has context sensitive help for Scala (eg when you hover or click a key word, info is displayed in the IDE). I am assuming that NetBeans has a "MetaLS" compatible interface.

Q1) Is it possible to configure NetBeans to intelligently support Scala (and maybe Swing)?

Q2) Can you advise on guideline for NetBeans plugins and procedures to adopt for Scala support?

Q3) Is there a better (easier to install) Layout Manager that I should be targeting instead of Swing?

Q4) Does NetBeans have a MetaLS interface ?

I tried to follow the guidelines at https://sourceforge.net/projects/erlybird/files, downloaded nbscala-7.4_2.10.x-, and extracted 18 *.nbm plugins. 14 out of 18 installed OK using NetBeans downloaded plugin manager, but the remaining 4 have a dependency ("Swing Layout Extensions 1.6.1 found but >= 1.27.1 needed"). I do not know how to overcome this. Then I realized that these downloaded plugins are over 10 years old. I am probably off the rails!

Thanks in advance for any help and advice you can give ...

... JohnP

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