
I am still using Netbeans 8, but I patched the Netbeans platform to allow the 
RCP application to intercept and modify the installed module list before it is 
displayed.  For my application, different versions go to different customers 
with certain modules disabled, and this patch allows the different customers to 
only see the modules we want them to see in the update center.  This may be 
what you are looking for.

I have included a couple of pictures demonstrating the patch, a text file 
describing the patch that I made to the platform (taken from a post I made to 
the old NetBeans forums a number of years ago), and a text file describing how 
to patch the platform (taken from the old NetBeans Developers FAQ).

There may be better ways to do this in the newer versions of Netbeans.  And I 
don’t know if this approach can still be used with newer NetBeans versions.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

From: Alexander Faust <>
Sent: Monday, January 3, 2022 9:00 AM
Subject: Hide Netbeans internal modules in "update center"


it is possible to hide some internal Netbeans modules in the "update center" of 
the own RCP application. I want to show only modules of my own cluster / RCP. 
The most modules are hided by default, but some modules e.g. "JavaScript 2 
Editor" defines the attribute "AutoUpdate-Show-In-Client: true" in the module 
MANIFEST.MF. This leads to it being displayed. Is it possible to overwrite the 
attribute of the MANIFEST.MF file in the corresponding module, e.g. by using 
-J-D switches / parameter with specifying the code name base of the module? Or 
is there another mechanism to solve my problem?

Thanks in advance

Best regards
In case anyone is interested, I finally got back to this issue after being
shuffled around between projects and came up with a solution.  

This involves patching the Auto Update UI platform module.  I'm working with NB
platform 8.0.2.

In org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.ui.api, which is a public package, I added a
new class UpdateUnitListModifier, which very simply is

package org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.ui.api;

import java.util.List;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateUnit;

/** <code>UpdateUnitListModifier</code> modifies a list of {@link 
org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateUnit} items. 
 * After {@link org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.ui.PluginManagerUI} creates the 
 * it looks for providers of this service registered in the global lookup, and 
calls them to modify the list.
 * @author jhuber
public interface UpdateUnitListModifier {
    public List<UpdateUnit> modifyList(List<UpdateUnit> uList);

Then, in org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.ui, I modified by
adding code noted below to initialize() after line 251:

private void initialize () {
        try {
            final List<UpdateUnit> uu = 
//            List<UnitCategory> precompute1 = Utilities.makeUpdateCategories 
(uu, false);
            if (localTable != null) {
                final List<UpdateUnit> nbms = 
                List<UnitCategory> precompute2 = 
Utilities.makeUpdateCategories(nbms, true);

//new code            
            Collection<?> col1 = 
            if (!col1.isEmpty()) {
                for (Object k1 : col1) {
//end new code

            // postpone later

Finally in my application, I have an UpdateUnitListModifier service provider to
manipulate the UpdateUnit list.

public class UpdateModifier implements UpdateUnitListModifier {

    public List<UpdateUnit> modifyList(List<UpdateUnit> uList) {      
          Iterator<UpdateUnit> it1 = uList.iterator();
          while (it1.hasNext()) {
                UpdateUnit u1 =;            
                String s1 = "";
                if ((u1.getInstalled() == null) && 
u1.getCodeName().contentEquals(s1)) {
                   System.out.println ("This module should be removed from the 
list: " + u1.getCodeName());            
        return uList;

When one selects Tools>Plugins, PluginManagerUI goes about figuring out what is
installed, what needs to be updated, and creates an UpdateUnit list with these
items. Per the above modification, after this list is created and before the
default Plugins window is displayed, PluginManagerUI now looks for service
providers to modify this list.  The service provider(s) can go through the list
and remove items from (or add items to) the list.  PluginManagerUI then goes on
to process the list normally and display it in the various tabs of the Plugins

I've done some limited testing, but it seems to work as planned.  My next
challenge is to figure out how to distribute the modified Auto Update UI
platform module through my app's update center.  Not much out there about how to
do that.

1) Copy the entire netbeans folder to a new location.  This will be the 
platform that will be patched, and the platform that your application will use 
and ship.

2) Follow the steps below to set up the source code.  Get the source for the 
modules you want to patch.


Can I work on just one or two modules from the NetBeans source base by 


Normally to work on modules versioned in the NetBeans main Mercurial repository 
you need to clone the entire repository. (For modules in contrib, you need 
contrib cloned as a subdirectory of main.) For people interested in just 
playing with patches to one or two modules this can be onerous, however. As an 
alternative, you can work on "orphan" modules from the source base 
(Issue 143236 has details). There are two issues to consider: 
Mercurial currently does not let you clone or check out just a subdirectory of 
a repository, so you will need to get module sources some other way (we are 
still considering some possibilities). 
Since "upstream" modules (that the module of interest depends on) are not 
available in source form, you need to have a recent development build of 
NetBeans available to compile against. 

Quick usage guide
1. Create an nb_all dir wherever you like. It must have at least the nbbuild 
dir from the source tree. 
2. Create nbbuild/ and in it set the property 
netbeans.dest.dir to the full path to a NetBeans IDE installation you would 
like to both compile against and build into (you should not use your real 
development IDE, rather a copy). 
3. Run: ant -f nbbuild/build.xml bootstrap 
4. Add subdirs for any module projects you would like to work on. 
(The modules may be already present in the target platform. If they are not, 
you need to check out sources for any transitive dependencies not in the target 
platform too.) 
5. Using the IDE, open the desired projects and work normally. 

What works
Source projects should open without error and without displaying error badges, 
assuming all dependencies are available in either source or binary form. 
You can build the projects normally. The modules will be built into the target 
platform (overwriting any existing copy of the module). 
You can use Run and Debug to start the target platform with a test userdir 
after building the modules, set breakpoints etc. 
You can Test the source projects normally. 
Code completion should work against APIs present in other modules. If those 
modules are available in source form, you will get popup Javadoc automatically, 
and can navigate to sources. If not, you can still add popup Javadoc capability 
for all published APIs: 
1. Download "NetBeans API Documentation" from AU. 
2. Open NetBeans Platform Manager. 
3. Select the "default" platform and note the location of 
in the Javadoc tab. 
4. Create a new platform; select the same dir as you specified for 
5. In the new platform, add to the Javadoc tab. 

If you want to work on unit or functional tests, you need to have all 
test-to-test dependencies available as source projects, because we do not 
distribute test libraries. Sometimes the transitive dependency tree can get a 
bit big. For example, if the functional tests use 
org.netbeans.junit.ide.ProjectSupport, then you need to check out 
java.j2seproject (in whose unit test dir this class resides), then its 
dependencies in turn: projectapi, projectui, openide.filesystems, and 
openide.util. Test-to-module dependencies (e.g. nbjunit, jellytools, ...) can 
however be satisfied from the target platform's binaries. 
If you add new source modules to the tree, you will need to both restart 
NetBeans and delete the nbbuild/nbproject/private/ dir in order to reset all 
caches and ensure that the new sources are recognized. 
Various targets in nbbuild/build.xml not used in the above scenarios may or may 
not work usefully, though this should not affect routine module development. 
The target platform needs to be new enough to support any API calls you are 
making from source modules into binary modules. If the platform is older, you 
could see error badges. Besides getting a newer platform, this can be corrected 
by adding sources of the new version of the API module to the tree. 
Note that the bootstrap ant target will not work if you just copy nbbuild from 
the source tree into nb_all. Other than nbbuild you also need to 
copy directories: 
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