I took the sage advice of several of the responders to this question and installed the Oracle version of Java into my home directory.  I did not have success with placing a modified netbeans.conf in the netbeans/etc file located in the snap directory in my home directory.

To get netbeans to use the newly installed JDK when invoked from the KDE menu, I edited the netbeans_netbeans.desktop file in /var/lib/snapd/desktop/application to add the --jdkhome parm as shown below.

Thanks to everyone who responded to this issue.  I guess I will have to educate myself on snap.

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Apache NetBeans 13
Comment=Apache NetBeans, The Smarter Way to Code
Exec=env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/netbeans_netbeans.desktop /snap/bin/netbeans %F *--jdkhome jdk-*
StartupWMClass=Apache NetBeans IDE 13

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