I am trying to run and debug my webapps with NetBeans 16 and Tomcat 9.0.65
(I am running OpenJDK 11 but targeting JDK 8 on macOS 10.15). Things are
working, but I think there should be a better way.

I have a directory ./nbdev with three subdirectories: appA, appB, and
apache-tomcat-9.0.65. Tomcat is installed under Services->Servers with
debug port 11550. When I run or debug either app, the context.xml files
do not copy to apache-tomcat-9.0.65/conf/Catalina/localhost. I cannot run
my app until I copy the context file there myself and add the docBase to
the Context of each file (as
in docBase="/Users/thad/nbdev/appA/target/appA##1.0.6").

When I run the first app create (appA), the context file I copied remains
at apache-tomcat-9.0.67/conf/Catalina/localhost/appA.xml
However when stop Tomcat and run appB, its context is deleted and must be

I cannot see any difference in their Project Properties (other than

This occurs on both my home and office Macs.

"Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscrib'd In one self-place; but where we
are is hell, And where hell is, there must we ever be" --Christopher
Marlowe, *Doctor Faustus* (v. 111-13)

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