In Nifi 0.6.0 with Java 1.7, the conversion of JSON data to Avro appears to 
reject the floating point values (both float and double).

Using the ConvertJSONToAvro processor and the following examples causes errors.

Sample Avro Schema:  
{"name": " sample_float_avro", "type": "record", "fields": [   
{"name":"sampleLong", "type":["null", "long"]}  ,{"name":"sampleInt", 
"type":["null", "int"]}  ,{"name":"sampleFloat", "type":["null", "float"]} ]}

Fail Example:
{"sampleLong":123456, "sampleInt":345, "sampleFloat":10.1}

Success Example:
{"sampleLong":123456, "sampleInt":345, "sampleFloat":10}

Is anyone else experiencing similar issues?


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