ectly. I downloaded the latest JRE, but still get the same
>> error message.
>> *From:* Swarup Karavadi
>> *Sent:* Monday, October 21, 2019 12:19 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Cc:*
>> *Subject:* Re:
If you are hosting on the cloud, I'd recommend going for dedicated worker
nodes for the NiFi cluster. There might be rare (or not) occasions when a
worker node is under high load and needs to evict pods. If your NiFi
deployment's pod disruption budget allows for eviction of pods then there
are alwa
f these property values
>> *should* be backed by the same file. But it appears
>> something is happening in your case/environment/situation that is
>> causing the ServletContext and ApplicationContext to get
>> configured/initialized differen
I have deployed a single node unsecured NiFi cluster (I say cluster because is set to "true") as a stateful set on Kubernetes (AWS EKS
to be specific). The NiFi cluster sits behind an Nginx ingress. I have
configured the Nginx ingress to forward the appropriate h