The problem seems to be that in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.SelectImpl, as
it's building up the necessary select statements, it keeps a HashSet of the
fields that already have eager selects created for them, and doesn't create
another eager select if one already exists for that particular field.
David -
It seems like this question has been asked numerous times on this mailing
list and no one has come up with a good answer. I too don't have an answer,
but if you come up with anything please post back to the list.
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 6:56 PM, David Minor wrote:
> I have
I have a "regular" one to many. It has an OrderColumn annotation.
This mapping when I run my tests I see the order column called
elementsWithOrder_ORDER getting updated.
However, the following mapping (with a mappedBy) I don't see the order
column being updated...
The mappedby field looks as