
when looking at my openEjb log file, I can see some updates I've never done

It looks like the entity is updated with the same values as stored already
in the database, the entity object was not modified.

This is what I do:

        Bti ent ;

        tx.begin () ;                
                ent = em.find (Bti.class, 200L) ;
        tx.commit () ;

and here's the result from the log:

11437  PersistencePU  TRACE  [main] openjpa.jdbc.SQL - <t 15431769, conn
13330996> executing prepstmnt 31536808 SELECT t0.genDate, t0.modDate,
t0.bt_pkey, t0.descr, t0.fifo_order, t0.fifo_window, t0.ident, t0.type FROM
Bti t0 WHERE t0.pkey = ? [params=(long) 200]

Why is this update done ?
32719  PersistencePU  TRACE  [main] openjpa.jdbc.SQL - <t 15431769, conn
816382> executing prepstmnt 2665317 UPDATE Bti SET genDate = ?, modDate = ?,
bt_pkey = ?, descr = ?, fifo_order = ?, fifo_window = ?, ident = ?, type = ?
WHERE pkey = ? [params=(Timestamp) 2009-02-13 09:47:18.828, (Timestamp)
2009-02-13 09:59:06.375, (null) null, (null) null, (String) DESC, (int)
4711, (String) BTI-1, (String) TIMESTAMP, (long) 200]

Can someone point me to what I'm doing wrong ?

Thanks a lot for your help


Here's the entity definition:

    @NamedQuery(name="Bti.findAll",       query="SELECT o FROM Bti o WHERE
o.btPkey = :btPkey"),
    @NamedQuery(name="Bti.findByIdent",   query="SELECT o FROM Bti o WHERE
o.btPkey = :btPkey and o.ident = :ident")
public class Bti extends EntityBaseTimestamps implements Serializable 
    @TableGenerator (name="PK_GEN_BTI",
    @GeneratedValue (strategy=GenerationType.TABLE,
    private Long pkey;
    private String ident ;
    private Long btPkey ;
    private Long descr ;
    BtiType_e type ;
    BtiFiFoOrder_e fifoOrder ;
    Integer fifoWindow ;
    public Bti() 

EntityBaseTimestamps is a @MappedSuperclass holding modDate and genDate

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