Hi again,
My problem still continues but I have been able to trace down the error …

Seems that OpenLayers actually tries to parse the data – I got as far as 
to the parseFeature function in Format/GML.js. Here, the geometry type 
is read (‘Box’) and then the parseGeometry function is called. This is 
where the trouble starts since ‘box’ is missing here and thus not 
recognized as a valid geometry…

I can hardly believe that I am the only one here struggling with 
MapServer GetFeatureInfo responses in GML format. Is there any 
workaround? By the way, I am not really interested in the geometry 
itself, what matters is the attribute.

Thanks for any advice

12.1.1020:    WMSGetFeatureInfo not working as expected with msGMLoutput
Hi list members,

I have a problem with my Mapserver WMS server and the 

According to wmsOptions.params.info_format in the WMSGetFeatureInfo.js 
request function is 'application/vnd.ogc.gml' (this is what I want)

In the WMSGetFeatureInfo.js handleResponse function request.responseXML 
is null and request.responseText contains the data (see below). Is this 
the normal behaviour?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4326">
<gml:coordinates>-5.133333,43.583333 -5.133333,43.583333</gml:coordinates>

I then get an error message saying “Geometry Type not supported: Box”

How do I get my GML response parsed correctly?

Related Software:
OpenLayers 2.8
Firefox 3.5.7 on Windows with Firebug
UMN Mapserver 5.2.1 as WMS Server

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