Hi again,

Thanks!! (As I had already e-mailed to the list, (via the forum)), I had
included a directory statement for the for geoviewerbin alias:

# Path to cgi-bin folder
Alias /geoviewerbin "C:\OSGeo4W/bin"

# Settings for access to geoviewerbin folder
Directory "C:\OSGeo4W/bin">
    AllowOverride None
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

I added your statement to this file, but that didn't work (problem remains
the same). I then commented out the above statement, so only your statement
remained. After restarting Apache I then got this error-message when I
pasted the pink-tile-url into my browser:

msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/geoviewermaps/spoortunnel.map)

It seemed to be doing something and I thought the reference to the mapfile
was wrong and that's what caused the error. I changed it to the absolute
filepath "c:/osgeo4w/apps/geoviewer/maps/spoortunnel.map". I no longer get
pink images! I do get white images however.... This is one of the white
images' url:


So, how can the images be white? I think I'm almost there.....

Best regards,
Martijn Senden.

2009/4/15 Richard Greenwood <richard.greenw...@gmail.com>

> On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Martijn Senden
> <martijnsendens...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks! I tried opening the exe (saved as png, gif, jpeg and tiff) in
> Gimp,
> > but was not able to. It seems not to be an image?
> >
> > This is the url I pasted:
> >
> >
> http://localhost/geoviewerbin/mapserv.exe?map=%2Fgeoviewermaps%2Fspoortunnel.map&mode=map&map_imagetype=png&mapext=84078.125+447046.875+85406.25+448375&imgext=84078.125+447046.875+85406.25+448375&map_size=256+256&imgx=128&imgy=128&imgxy=256+256
> >
> > It does say ........&mode=map&........    ?
> >
> > Does the url seem strange to you?
> geoviewerbin is probably not configured to serve CGI (to execute CGI
> programs). Are you using Apache or IIS? In either case you must
> instruct your web server to execute CGI in the geoviewerbin directory.
> In Apache httpd.conf something like:
> ScriptAlias /geoviewerbin/ "C:/path/to/geoviewerbin/"
> <Directory "C:/path/to/geoviewerbin/">
>         AllowOverride None
>         Options None
>         Order allow,deny
>         Allow from all
> </Directory>
> Then restart Apache. In IIS you do it from the GUI.
> --
> Richard Greenwood
> richard.greenw...@gmail.com
> www.greenwoodmap.com
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