[OpenLayers-Users] How to use Other Projections in a stand alone client side environment

2010-07-20 Thread Subhani Minhas
Hello All, I recently came across, the site http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/24378/ which can show coordinates of projection EPSG:24378 once we click on the map, I am interested to put the same functionality on my locally hosted html file and perform the coordinate calculation client side,

[OpenLayers-Users] Custom OpenLayers Graphic Names with multiple vector features

2010-05-27 Thread Subhani Minhas
Dear all, at present the graphic-name.html example from OL2.9 examples shows us how to add a custom graphic name, as follows: OpenLayers.Renderer.symbol.lightning = [0,0, 4,2, 6,0, 10,5, 6,3, 4,5, 0,0]; and OpenLayers.Renderer.symbol.rectangle = [0,0, 4,0, 4,10, 0,10, 0,0]; 1. My first question

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] How to Use selectControl and dragFeature control at the same time?

2010-05-14 Thread Subhani Minhas
Hurray, the code suggested by you works great :-) Here is the final code which can achieve following: 1. Click to add a vector feature with custom icon and label at the point of click (Completed) 2. Click to select any drawn feature and delete it (Completed) 3. Click to select any drawn feature

[OpenLayers-Users] How to Use selectControl and dragFeature control at the same time?

2010-05-12 Thread Subhani Minhas
Hello All, i am working to achieve following, 1. Click to add a vector feature with custom icon and label at the point of click (Completed) 2. Click to select any drawn feature and delete it (Completed) 3. Click to select any drawn feature and Modify it. ( By deleting and re-creating the a new

[OpenLayers-Users] Ho to add a marker with custom Icon and Text

2010-05-03 Thread Subhani Minhas
hello All, i myself was recently working on the problem of adding a custom marker with custom text, and with the help of open-layers examples code i was able to achieve following: 1. Add a marker with a custom icon and label, each time i click on the map. 2. Able to drag markers I have only

[OpenLayers-Users] Click to Add a feature with Custom Icon and Label

2010-04-30 Thread Subhani Minhas
Hello, i am new to openlayers and work by experimenting in the code in examples. I had already posted my request twice but no response came :-(, may be my question was t basic. However i tried , and after release of 2.9 i was able to get some success. basically combining the code of Click

[OpenLayers-Users] Fwd: How to add any functionality of open layers to a custom button ON the map?

2010-04-22 Thread Subhani Minhas
Assalam o alaikum dear all. The answer to my previous post was lightning fast and had almost all the answers I needed, actually it opened a totally new perspective to the open layers . That is the geoext library using rich gui controls. My current issue is this 1. I want to add certain

[OpenLayers-Users] How to add any functionalty of openlayers to a custom button ON the map?

2010-04-20 Thread Subhani Minhas
Assalam o alaikum dear all. The answer to my previous post was lightning fast and had almost all the answers I needed, actually it opened a totally new perspective to the openlayers . That is the geoext library using rich gui controls. My current issue is this 1. I want to add certain

[OpenLayers-Users] Adding a custom marker on map by clicking.

2010-04-15 Thread Subhani Minhas
Assalam o alaikum dear all. I have recently started coding in openlayers 2.8, my starting point was the code generated by map tiler tool. Now I want to add further functionality by clicking on the map, and adding a custom marker. By custom I mean to specify following: 1. Specify marker's location.