Re: [OpenLayers-Users] extract attributes from a geoserver wms [SEC=Unclassified]

2010-07-28 Thread Miles Jordan
The content of a GetFeatureInfo response is determined by the WMS - you have very little control over what it outputs from the client side apart from applying CSS to it. Assuming you are using Geoserver, you can create a template for what the getFeatureInfo response should look like either on a

[OpenLayers-Users] extract attributes from a geoserver wms

2010-07-28 Thread Giuseppe Naponiello
Hi all, my problem is: I have a map with two wms layers served by GeoServer, and would like to display in a pop-up some attributes of the second layer. I would also like to customize the pop-ups. I tried several ways but the one I work is: #info = new OpenLayers.Control. #WMSGetFeatureInfo (( #