Hi all,

I'd like to add a layer to my map, with several point on which I can 
click. Then a popup opens with some info and with an url on it 
(different url for each point).

So I've tried the GeoRSS layer for that. It's not working and I think 
it's because off the spatial reference system used.
All data in my map is epsg 28992. So I have:

map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {
            'maxResolution' :'auto',
            allOverlays: true,
            maxExtent :new 
            units :'m',
            fractionalZoom :true,
            projection :"EPSG:28992",
            numZoomLevels :16,
            controls: []

for a WKT layer I have:
plangebiedBaseLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("Plangebied", 
plangebiedLayerURL, {
                   format: OpenLayers.Format.WKT,
                   units :'m',
                   projection :"EPSG:28992",
                   styleMap: plangebiedStyles

This is working well.

If I add a geoRSS layer with:
        rssLayer = new 
OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS("Informatielaag",rsslayerURL, {
            units :'m',
            projection :"EPSG:28992"
        }); (i've tried without the things between {}, that gave the 
same results).

    part of the geoRSS file loaded:
        <link href="../objecten.html#Agrarisch"/>
            <gml:Point srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:28992"> (I've
    tried with urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:28992 as well, same results)
                <gml:pos>222554.534 433457.725</gml:pos>

the geoRSS layers shows up in the layer switcher with a title derived 
from the rss file. Unfortunately no markers show on the map.

If I look in firebug it is apparent what goes wrong:
in the svg element the wkt layer has coordinates like:
649.0065459625621,10.457514590059873 649.5174608794041,4.2873745516408235
the georss has coordinates like: left: 64556.5px; top: 64139px;
So the markers must be somewhere way out of the map.

A stripped application demonstrating the problem is here:

Please help me solving this problem.
Can a georss layer be projected correctly?
If not, any suggestions for another approach are welcome.

thanks in advance, MArco

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