------ Original Message ------
Subject: Lost languages
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 15:19:50 +0100
From: Paul <pm85...@gmail.com>
> I recently had a message asking if I wanted to disable languages and I 
> accidentally pressed yes.
> Now I cannot get the spell checker to work or any language s to show.
> Could you please tell me how to undo my mistake.

Hi Paul,

Without more detailed information it isn't possible to provide an
accurate answer.

Which OS (Operating System - eg. Linux, Mac, Solaris, Windows, etc.) and
version are you using?
Which version of the software are you using? To find this open the
program and look under the "/Help -> About/" menu option.
Where did the "/disable languages/" option come from, the software or
your OS?

Assuming you are running some version of MS Windows and you have the
current version of the software, the following link should help you
resolve the issue:
Otherwise write back to the list users@openoffice.apache.org (not
directly to me) with answers to the above questions.


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