Dear sir,              I used the Original  Open site for many years. However  
I recently  have had my  PC. destroyed.    How can I now get access to the 
original Open Office which contains various letters & documents which are 
mainly associated  with  my current Last Will & Testament.  These  documents 
need to be updated.   Therefor  I am desperate to be able to locate these  
My  Details are.  Name :  Keith John Paice.                             E-Mail  
:  k.j.paice@btinternet. com
Can you tell me how I can access these files held on  These 
document were entered on Open Office at least 6 years ago.
I look forward to you reply & hopefully what I need to do to access  my 
documents held  in Original Open Office.  Regards,
Keith. Paice.         UK Tele number. 01454320415
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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