
Back when I was attempting to get some useful results using OpenOffice Writer, I had a number of experiences similar to your present one. Sometimes the OOo "spellcheck" worked just fine for American English. Other times it didn't work at all, failing to "redline" obvious misspellings that I'd purposely introduced. Then other times the spellcheck became overzealous, so to speak, & indicated that every word in a document was misspelled! I was quite frustrated w/ the way Writer was working, but I figured out what was going on. How Writer applies its spellcheck, depends upon how you open, or initiate, your document! This appears to be a persistent long-standing bug ("feature"?) in Writer.

I now use MS Windows 7 on my computer, but when I was having the problem (before I gave up on OpenOffice software) I was using Windows Vista. You know that, in both Windows 7 & in Windows Vista, you can access a particular WP document in various ways, &, if you're creating a new document, there are several options for starting out. I found that Writer doesn't work the same way in every option, no matter how you set it up when you have a particular document open. For example, when I was suddenly getting every word in a document redlined, I traced this to the fact that the Writer software was applying a German-language dictionary to my document! Sure, everything was misspelled, since I was writing a document in English! When I changed the way I opened Writer documents in Vista, the option I chose had, as I learned, used a spelling dictionary (German) other than the one I had previously selected (American English, or at least I THOUGHT I had selected my native language). Another symptom of this dependence of spelling dictionary on document creation &/or access procedure was the observation that often particular words, names, & terms that I added to my English dictionary, suddenly were flagged as misspelled in other documents. Apparently, when you set your spelling (& other!) defaults, after evoking the Writer word processor in one way, you can get something entirely different, if you get to Writer by some other option on your computer.

I hope this report of my personal experience w/ OpenOffice Writer helps you resolve your problem.

Best wishes,

Anthony J. Rudgers
Orlando, FL
Sept. 17, 2014; 8:42 pm

-----Original Message----- From: Feral Hassan
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 5:44 AM
Subject: Auto Spell Check

Dear Sir / Madam,
Yesterday I opened a document that I have been working on for some time now and found that, for some reason, every single word (in UK English) has been underlined in red by the Auto Spell Check. I have gone through the help instructions and ensured that all settings are set to English (UK), so this cannot be the problem. I can of course turn the Auto Spell Check off, but then I won't know if I've spelt anything incorrectly. I even tried opening a new document to see if it would do the same on that, and it did. I also tried downloading the latest version of your product, same again.Any ideas why it is doing this all of a sudden when the day before, having saved my document, it was fine? It's almost as if it's suddenly basing everything on a foreign language dictionary.Any assistance for would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,Feral Hassan

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