Gary Dale wrote:
You need to think about what you really want. You want a document with an address in it. A mail merge is easy if you want to select an address from a file. This inverts what you want, which is to start with an address then add a letter, but it should work.

If you have several standard address files and multiple standard letters that you want to merge - to send a standard letter to a particular person - then you can either do the mail merge from the letter or you can start with your template and cut and paste the address into it. If that is too much effort, write a macro to run when the template is opened to prompt you for the address file. If you insist on starting with the address, write the macro to append the letter to your document.

If the problem is simply that the .rtf files are wrong, try modifying them in OOo Writer to be the size and position you want.

In any event, what you are asking is far from clear. Perhaps you could post an example or some more details?

harry conings wrote:
i think i am stupid i cannot find a clue.
Mail merge will not work for me. When i use the wizard
he immediatly puts the data in my document . That does not work for me .
I want to change the csv (wich has only 2 lines a header and 1 line of
data) file
with a little perl script to put a adres in from our accounting program.
Then i want to open a template and oops and there is a letter with the
right adress in it
Is this so difficult ? or am i stupid. Probably the last.
Is there a simple way to get this done.
In microsoft office i put adres , and other data in little rft files.
Inserted the file and let both file be connected if the rtf changes the doc
This also works in openoffice but openoffice makes my rtf pagewide (it is
only 6 cm wide in rtf)
When i make it smaller to get my adres in the right place my text goes
smaller to.
I want to get rid off microsoft I don't like there policies.
When this problem is solved i can leave microsoft behind and i will be a
happy guy.

"S Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreef:
What you want to accomplish is a Mail Merge function. Click on TOOLS >
MERGE. Read about Mail Merge available in the Oo Help. You can also use
QUERY function to select your records.
     harry conings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I need to 'grab' 1 client/name and address details and
them into a letter/handout made from a template without users have to do should i proceedI tried with a csv file with one adress but i can not figure outhow a template can grab the one adres in the csv file en put in the letterautomaticly when you open it(i can do it by hand by F4 and than select the adress en than push data to fields)Has anyone a
solution fore thisrgds harry

Harry Conings
Liebroekstraat 43
3545 Halen
0475 46 42 89
fax : 013 785452
btw : BE 446 888 007

  Suzanne L. Perry
  P O Box 7493
  Louisville, KY 40257-0493
  Phone/Fax: 502-895-0691

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Harry Conings
Liebroekstraat 43
3545 Halen
0475 46 42 89
fax : 013 785452
btw : BE 446 888 007

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