Openoffice2.0 is already installed on my Fedora 4 system, but it will only start when I am root. Otherwise it does not start (only the OpenOffice logo window appears). The user-faq (, suggest running ./setup -net so that when others use it, they will be prompted to set up locally. However, there is not ./setup in the any of the directories or subdirectories where the program is stored during installation, /usr/lib/openoffice.org2.0. How to I allow myself as a regular account install and use OpenOffice2.0?

BTW - Since OpenOffice was not working, I tried downloading it and installing, but it said that the same, but newer, packages were already installed. There was a desktop-integration/ directory with an red-hat RPM in it, but when I tried to install it, it said some dependency was missing. This may not be the way to get my normal account to work, though. Just wanted to mention it.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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