
After reading a warning about security leaks in OO0-1 I decided to download
2.2 to avoid troubles.
Uninstall worked perfect, but getting the new version in gives troubles:

The window installer MSIEXEC works trhu the whole setup, but in the end I
get the messsage

Product: OpenOffice.org 2.2 -- Fout 1935.
Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens de installatie van het onderdeel
Zie Help en ondersteuning voor meer informatie.
HRESULT: 0x80070005. onderdeelinterface: IAssemblyCacheItem, functie:
Commit, naam van onderdeel: {F24FED36-8B7F-43E6-AE49-A88A055CD885}

A rollback follows. What can cause the access denied message on the

I'm running 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.070227-2254  , no office installed.
Firefox latest browser just updated fine.
I was using OO0-1 merely for reading DOC and PPT mail attachments,

Does somebody have a hint?


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