Hi Please help if you can.I need to insert somesort of database in to a form 
ive created.The form is a multibox(?) type where i use the "field" key to go 
from one box to the other.Most of the boxes i will type the date or code 
numbers etc.but one one box i have to type an adress.When i have several of 
these forms to complete typing in individual adresses takes time.So my qustion 
is can i insert a database wherby when i click in the "adress" box a list of 
adresses pop up and I simply pick and click.The adress will have to be in a 
descending order(ie first line then second and so on) rather than all on one 
line.Im quite proud of this form ive created as it works wonderfully with my 
work but the adress box lets me down. 
Thanking you in anticipation
Steve Murfin

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