
I am new with OpenOffice.org and I am testing it before leaving
eventually Excel.
The description:

In Excel, I have two files (spreadsheets). On the first one, some cells
are linked with result from the second one. When both files are opened,
as soon I change a value on the second spreadsheet, it is automatically
and immediately updated on the first spreadsheet.

I opened these files (.xls) with Calc, the cells are well linked and
calculated. But when I do a modification on the spreadsheet, it does
not change on the other. I put 'on' all the 'automatic calculate'
options I found, the automatic update does not work. The only way is to
close and save both files (in xls format for me), and if I reopened
one, the recalculation has been done, but never automatically.

Do you have an idea? Maybe it is not possible with Calc (but I would be
surprised). I certainly mis something.
Thank you for your idea

Best regards

Serge De Troyer

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