Thanks everybody, moving to 1.9.100 solved the problem. I know the betas shouldn't be used for big documents, but I had severe stability
issues with 1.1.3 so I just gave a beta a shot and it worked MUCH better (to a certain point...) and it had a lot of features I needed. The document is almost finished now and it's gonna be awesome ;-)

Caleb Marcus schrieb:

Did you download the torrent? The latest torrent is 1.9.79, the latest beta (download with http) is 1.9.100

CPHennessy wrote:

On Friday 06 May 2005 10:08, + [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ MODERATED ] ***********************
Hello everybody,

I really need help. I've had this Problem before and was able to fix it,
but not this time.

First time: Created a document (about 40 pages) with oo 1.9.58, saved it
and couldn't open it (file read error, no detailed error message). I edited
the context.xml file and found something that looked like a big pile of
crap for me that shouldn't be there (thousands of 5f_5f_5f_ in a row). I
deleted that stuff with the according tags and voila, I was able to open it
again and finish my work without any further problems.

Present: Using oo 1.9.79 I'm writing another big document (about 60 Pages)
on the basis of the first document (kinda "overwrote" the first one) and
experienced the same problem, but deleting the crap out of content.xml
didn't fix it (so it's still there now). I did all kinds of tests (cutting
stuff out, opening the odt on another computer) and stuff but I wasn't
succesfull. I am certain though that the problem lies within the
context.xml file (did some copying into "blank" odt files and vice versa).
And I'm pretty certain that it's a problem with some embedded calc and
excel documents in that one chapter (the error occured after a crash while
adding an excel chart).
So since I couldn't really fix the document, I spend some hours yesterday
copying and pasting the new content from the faulty content.xml file,
opened with ultraedit/firefox, into the newest backup of my document that
was still working. This worked. Afterwards I got kind of paranoid and saved
the document a couple of times before I re-added the embedded objects. I
finished my work without any crashes and saved the document. When I tried
to open it this morning, I got the same read-error again, even with the
other versions I saved, so I guess like I have to do the same editing I did
yesterday again ;-( I tried to remove the embedded objects+tags from the
content.xml file via ultra edit but it didn't help. Removing the whole
"suspicious" chapter with the embedded objects didn't help either.
Unless you guys can help me out, I'm gonna try to fix it with my xml-old
version copy/paste-methodology and then seperate the chapters into single
files (should have done that from the start), but that is just really
time-consuming and I don't really have that time.

I uploaded the content.xml file and the odt-file for you:

please click on "GMX MediaCenter starten", you should see those 2 files
then. Click on the symbols and then save the page with your browser.

Sorry it's all in german as well as the document, that could make it a
little harder...

This is rather urgent, since I have to finish this thesis next week, so I
would REALLY appreciate quick help. I love Open Office but these errors are
real show-stoppers. If those issues are resolved, I swear I'm gonna donate
to the project.

As you are not subscribed you may not have seen that:
On Monday 09 May 2005 12:43, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

I am freaking out here.... You are creating HUGE documents using the
development builds of At the very least, move up to the
1.9.100 biuld, which is much more stable. Remember, however, you are
still using a development build. Expect to lose data...

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