The machine is a Pentium 166MMX with 64MB RAM.
I have installed Windows 95, Winsock2 upgrade, and Internet Explorer 5.5
(the last 2 are primarily for system file updates). That's all there is on
this computer.

Scenario #1: I downloaded OpenOffice, extracted to a temp folder,
burned all the files to a CD, and tried to install from the CD: see error
message below.
Scenario #2: copied OpenOffice files from the CD to "C:\office" on
the machine I am trying to install software on, ran "attrib -r *.* /s" from
a DOS prompt, then tried to install from "C:\office" :

ERROR: An error occurred while unpacking the file oledrbg.ll. There is
probably not enough disk space.

I could understand an error if the installing from CD, but not from a hard
drive with 1.7GB free space. Also note that I am trying to install on 3
machines (I refurb old computers for technically challenged individuals) and
get the same error. I have also re-downloaded the software, and burned a new
CD, and same.

Any ideas?
Thanx in advance for your help.
Tim Campbell
15 Snyder Avenue North
Apartment 17
Elmira, Ontario N3B 2A9
(519) 669-7629

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