On 11/20/2007 09:47 AM, NoOp wrote:
> On 11/19/2007 01:17 PM, L�vio Cipriano wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm using OO 2.0.4 in openSUSE 10.2 and I can't play a sound or music during
>>  a Impress presentation. Did I misconfigure  the sound system or is a
>>  "feature" of Impress in Linux. In Windows works.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Lívio Cipriano
> Livio,
> Here is how I managed to get sound to work for me on an Ubuntu machine.
> You can modify accordingly for your openSUSE. Note: I had thought that
> openSUSE used gstreamer so it shouldn't be necessary for you to install
> JMF - check to see if you have gstreamer installed first. You can also
> use the go-oo version instead if you'd like, see:
> http://go-oo.org/discover/
> http://go-oo.org/download/
> OpenSUSE
>     Stable: SLED10, 10.1, 10.2
> Anyway, here are my instructions for JMF on an Ubuntu system:
> For those of you that use the standard OOo vs the Ubuntu'ized OOo, here
> is how I *finally* managed to get sound working in my OOo version 2.2.1
> and 2.3 Impress presentations [1]:
> 1. Downloaded the JMF bin file from:
> http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/jmf/2.1.1/download.html
> Followed the instructions on that page:
> <quote>
> If you are installing the JMF Performance Pack for Linux
>     * Change directories to the install location.
>     * Run the command % /bin/sh ./jmf-2_1_1e-linux-i586.bin
> </quote>
> by moving the jmf-2_1_1e-linux-i586.bin file to my /opt directory using
> Nautilus in root mode ($ gksu nautilus) - command line cp will work just
> as well.
> 2. From a terminal:
> $ cd /opt
> $ sudo /bin/sh ./jmf-2_1_1e-linux-i586.bin
> Accepted/yes to all except the last where it recommends that you enter
> "no" on the last question.
> That creates the /opt/JMF-2.1.1e folder/directory
> $ export JMFHOME=/opt/JMF-2.1.1e
> $ export
> CLASSPATH=$JMFHOME/lib/jmf.jar::$JMFHOME/lib/sound.jar:.:${CLASSPATH}
> 3. Opened OOo: Tools/Options/Java/Class Path, click on 'Add Archive' &
> _browse_ to: /opt/JMF-2.1.1e/lib and click on jmf.jar - click OK.
> Repeat step 3 for StarOffice 8.
> Sound now works in both standard OOo and StarOffice 8! :-) Man... I've
> been fighting with this for nearly a year now. The problem that I had in
> the past is that I neglected to click on the *jmf.jar* file and was only
> adding the /opt/JMF-2.1.1e/lib path.
> [1] The Ubuntu'ized OOo from the repos has sound working by default
> using gstreamer - standard OOo and StarOffice 8 do not, so JMF is required.

Here is an update on how add MP3 support so that your Impress
presentations will also play .mp3, .au, .mov, and .aiff (those are all
that I've tested so far). Tested on Ubuntu 7.10 (Gnome) linux using:

OpenOffice (standard) 2.3.1
Sun Java 6 - 1.6.0_03

1. Follow the instructions above to install JMF-2.1.1e - that will allow
you to play .wav files in OOo without any problem. Note: you *must* have
java installed first - on Ubuntu see:
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/java) or from within Synaptic install:

2. Download the Sun mp3 plugin (javamp3-1_0.zip) to a temp directory:

3. Open Ubuntu's Nautilus (Place|Home Folder):

Navigate to the temp directory where you downloaded javamp3-1_0.zip and
extract it (double-click and use the archive manager). That will extract
three files:


4. Copy the mp3plugin.jar and your jmf.jar to your jvm ext directory;
easiest way is to open Nautilus (your file browser) in root mode - from
a terminal:

gksu nautilus

and then copy mp3plugin.jar and jmf.jar (from the /opt/JMF-2.1.1e/lib
directory) to the /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- directory.

You can do the same via the command line from a terminal:

sudo cp <directorywhereyouhavemp3plugin.jar>mp3plugin.jar

example using /tempdir:

sudo cp /tempdir/mp3plugin.jar /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-

sudo /opt/JMF-2.1.1e/lib/jmf.jar

5. Now the instructions on
indicate that you can issue:
java com.sun.media.codec.audio.mp3.JavaDecoder
and the plugin will be registered.
I've found that doesn't work, and instead from a terminal:

cd /opt/JMF-2.1.1e/bin
sudo ./jmfregistry

Once in the jmf registry:

- click on Plugins then Codec
- in the white box just below "Codec" enter:


- click "Add" and the codec should get registered. If it does not, go
back to the basic instuctions for JMF and make sure that you've followed
the "export" instructions".

- click "Commit"
- click on the "User Settings" tab, and click "Commit".

That should do the trick, and you then should be able to use .wav, .mp3,
.au, .mov, and .aiff in your OOo. Hopefully someone (automatix?) will
come along and do a script that does all of this for you, but until then
the above should work.

Happy New Year All.


Note - Ubuntu OOo & other flavors of ximain OOo (Suse/Novell, perhaps
Fedora, etc) already have this built in via gstreamer. It would be
*wonderful* if standard OOo and StarOffice8 would do something similar
so that their linux users do not have to go through the above. It would
also be cool if perhaps someone from the ximian team could post
information on how they use gstreamer vs JMF w/mp3plugin.jar

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