OO 1.1.4, Windows XP

If I create labels using the Open-Labels menu and select fields for the labels in that dialog box, then try to suppress blank lines by inserting Hidden Paragraphs for a specific field and line (e.g. not(Address2) to suppress records that have no delivery address line #2) the labels still print with blank lines.

However, when I do virtually the same thing manually - that is, create labels without any data, then select data source, then Ctrl-F2 and insert fields that way, insert the same Hidden Paragraph at the potentially blank line, then insert a Next Record at the end - these labels successfully suppress the blank lines.

I can't see how these two methods differ, so why would they result in different labels, and why would the one way work and not the other?

Finally, when I got the labels to work, I wanted to only print those that had printed with the blank line the first time. I used the filtering capability to filter out when Address2 is null, but all that did was re-sort the records in some fashion unintelligible to me. Though the printing suggested only 21 records would print, in fact all 41 records printed.


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