James Elliott wrote:
I thought I might update to the stable 1.1.4
Unfortunately, since I had so many copies of OOo on my computer, from 1.0 onwards, I decided to uninstall all of them before downloading 1.1.4, not realising that OOo had switched over to Bit Torrent downloads.

I have downloaded and installed JRE 5.0
I have downloaded and installed Azureus
I have had three goes at downloading OOo 1.1.4 with no success

There does not seem to be an HTML download alternative - so now I have no office software at all on my computer - can anyone help!

I would be obliged if anyone on this list could give me SIMPLE instructions on how to downloading OOo 1.1.4 - I have tired following the ones on the several Web pages (OOo, Bit Torrent, Azures) without success.

Many thanks, James Elliott

Hi James,

Did you try from the mirrors on the Download Page:

eg  http://download.openoffice.org/1.1.4/index.html

You should be able to get it from PlanetMirror or Pacific Internet (the two oz mirrors) by http.

Let me know if you have a problem


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