On 04/06/2008 06:33 AM, Harold Fuchs wrote:
> On 06/04/2008 14:25, Henning von Roeder wrote:

>> Hi, I just tried this, and I found that, if you press the arrow key to
>> the right and the cursor moves to the next sentence. I you then
>> triple click again (with the mouse pointer over the second sentence),
>> the secon sentence will be selected. But if you move the ouse pointer
>> over the third sentence then the third sentence will be selected.
>> Actually, the only thing that matters is, where the mouse pointer is ,
>> not the blinking cursor.
> Yes. I see. The fact, which I missed, is that the first click actually 
> positions the cursor. So where the cursor *was* is irrelevant. Sorry to 
> have wasted your time.

I looked through the writer doc & getting started guide, and OOo help,
and didn't find any reference to mouse use in this manner. I finally
found this in the migration guide:


<quote>  Mouse use

Some differences are:

* No quick selection of paragraphs or lines by clicking to the left of
the paragraph.
* Control+click does not select a sentence, but a triple-click does (a
quadruple-click selects the paragraph).

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