On or about 8/22/2005 12:09 PM, Dan Lewis penned the following:

> On Monday 22 August 2005 10:31 am, Ed Jones wrote:
>> How do I insert a drawing from OO 1.9.122, i.e.  an .odg file, into
>> an OO 1.9.122 Writer document?
>> How about an option to save OODraw files in .jpg, .gif, tiff, or some
>> other standard format?
>      To save an OOo drawing in one of many standard formats:
> File > Export. Select the file format of your choice if it is listed. 
> Then click Export. If you only want the file in  standard format 
> (*.jpg, *.gif, etc.), after exporting the file close it. You will be 
> asked if you want to Save, Discard, or Cancel. Select Discard.
> Dan

Thanks Dan - Found it and canceled original messages, but guess they got
through anyway.  Looked under Tools and Save As - dumb dumb me forgot
about Export. (:(


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