Сергей Захаров wrote:
>> Just checking - you do realise that the SDK is the developers kit, not
>> the standard OpenOffice.org?  See
> http://download.openoffice.org/index.html
> Certainly I understand that is necessary to me SDK instead of OpenOffice
> :)). And to use SDK I gather to destination. Only version SDK under Window
> is necessary to me. Tried to start OOo-SDK_2.2.0_Win32Intel_install.exe
> with
> key /NCRC installation went, and the message Error 1335.The cabinet file '
> openofficeorg1.cab' required For this installation is corrupt and cannot be
> used. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the
> or a problem with this package   then stood out. There is a suspicion, that
> on servers broken installation file SDK for Windows lays, check up please.
I don't think you will find many users of the SDK on this list. You
_may_ have more luck on [EMAIL PROTECTED], but I suggest you subscribe
to the list so you do not miss any replies: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You will get a confirmation email which must be returned.

A couple of general suggestions:

Did you check the md5sum of the download? That is a good guide to the
integrity of the file.

Have a look in the mail archives at
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/SearchList?listName=users for
problems installing on Windows. There have been a number of rather
similar reports IIRC involving anti-virus software interfering.


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