You may want to try
it installs easily and less chance of making a typing error.


> Hi
> Thanks for the quick response.  
> Background:
> I work in one office using Windows 2000 but I don't have administrative 
> privilege and can't install OpenOffice 2.0.  I also work part time in a 
> charitable organization using Windows XP.  The charitable organization is 
> switching to OpenOffice and I'd like to like to learn to use OpenOffice on my 
> lunch break at the Windows 2000 office.  So I read some of one of the setup 
> guides and used “setup/a” on a  Windows XP machine to install OpenOffice 2.0 
> in 
> a folder and then copied it to a flash drive.  I took the flash drive to the 
> Windows 2000 office and OpenOffice loads fine but its only able to work with 
> existing files.  If I create a new writer file and try to save it, it will 
> not 
> save.  I can't convert MS Word files to Writer files either.
> I think I must has done something wrong and as a result the flash drive 
> version 
> of OpenOffice can't fine some files it needs to “save as” and to save new 
> files.
> I hope this explanation is more helpful.
> Thanks for your help.
> Steve
> Quoting "G. Roderick Singleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 17:15 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> I have used setup/a to install OpenOffice on a flash drive.  Unfortunately,
>> the 
>>> installed version is only able to work with existing files.  If I create a
>> new 
>>> writer file and try to save it, it will not save.  I can't convert MS Word
>>> files to Writer files either.  
>>> What files are missing from my flash drive and what folders should I copy
>> them 
>>> to?
>> When you did your install did you follow the directions given in 
>> or
>> did you use some other method?  Please tell us which OS you us and the
>> version of OOo. This additional information will help us help you.
>> -- 
>> Documentation Co-Lead

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