JOHN ANGEROSA, 2008/10/06 7:20 AM:
I was happy to see that Open Office was available on Mac. After downloading it for my intel based Mac laptop (macbook) I was unable to get it to work. My version of Mac is Leopard and x11 also showed up but I was still unable to launch Open Office.
Any ideas?

Thank you,

John Angerosa Jr.


Mac OS X Leopard has problems with X11 and OO.o
There is a work around.
X11 Time out solution:
Also you may need to install latest X11 from

A simpler solution that I highly recommend is to install OO.o 3.0. Release candidates are available now. The final release is out in a week or two.


Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - 
Edgard Varese

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