This Taiwan's company OSS Integral Institute ( ) has 
released their OpenOffice Chinese Enhanced 2.2 on Oct 19,2007. 
And they have also released an 2.3 version but now removed from their site a 
week ago.

But when people ask for their source code, they said we should ask Industrial 
Development Bureau of Taiwan's government for the code.

The developer Firefly, promise to release the code on Jan. 16. ( ). But 
we still can't find it now.

The only thing Firefly, and the company owner Victor said is "We did not say we 
won't release the code", and "It is very easy for us to release the code, we 
will do it tomorrow."

The OpenOffice license says "The LGPL requires that all changes must be made 
available if published." , which , I assumed, implies that source code should 
be ready at soon as the binary is published. No matter you've remove the binary 
later or not.

Please, write a letter to [EMAIL PROTECTED] , ask them for source code. And the 
license holder of, please investigate this case. Thank You.

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