Writer comes with Character styles "Internet Link" and "Visited Internet Link", which should presumably be related: that is, style "Visited Internet Link" would be a descendant of ("Linked with") style "Internet Link" - so that, for example, a change of font to "Internet Link" would automatically propagate to "Visited Internet Link". However, they are not linked, either by inheritance of one from the other, or by inheritance of both from a common style (both are "Linked with: - None -").

(1) Would anything be lost by setting up such dependency: for style "Visited Internet Link" to be "Linked with: Internet Link" (and for "Internet Link" to be "Linked with: Default")?

(2) These are not merely character styles; they have functionality. If "URL Recognition" is set [in Tools | Autocorrect Options], Writer:
  (a) encapsulates the URL string as a URL link object; and then
(b) /formats/ that object according to the attributes specified in styles "Internet Link" and (after the link is visited) "Visited Internet Link" - but without explicitly invoking those character styles! That is, the URL /shows/ character style "Default", but /displays as/ style "Internet Link" (or, after invocation, "Visited Internet Link")! That is, even though URLs are identified as character style "Default", they change when style "Internet Link" changes, *not* when style "Default" changes!

AFAICS, the Help gives no explanation for this behavior. Can anyone explain the logic?

(3) Conversely, though, a string formatted as "Internet Link" does not thereby acquire encapsulation as a URL link object. It cannot be invoked by Ctrl-click (and thus, of course, does not change to "Visited Internet Link"). That requires the additional step of configuring the hyperlink [either "Format|Character|Hyperlink" or "Insert|Hyperlink"]. Is there another way?


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