Is there some magical combination of functions that allows one to search a
table of values and return a list of values?

My table has dates across the top row, and names down the side. Within the
table are Y, N, or blank. I want to get the list of names based on the Y's
in a particular column (which corresponds to a date).

                 Oct 4    Oct 6    Oct 8   Oct 9
Mark           Y                        Y
Sam                        Y                       Y
Frank          Y          N            Y
Henry          Y          Y            Y        Y

Searching for Oct 4 returns the string "Mark, Frank, Henry". Searching on
Oct 6 return the string "Sam, Henry". The list of names can not be placed in
alphabetical order.

I could probably use a macro, if I knew how to use macros....;-) I would
rather just have a formula, but perhaps that is not possible?



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