I wrote a review of OO.o 3.2 for PC Magazine on line

I have used OO.o since version 1.x. OO.o is at version 3.2 now, with 4.0 due "real soon now." I have MS Office 2003 on installation disks here someplace, but since my main machine died 4 years ago, and I installed OO.o, I have not felt the need to reinstall MS Office. OO.o is fast, has more features than I need, is easy to use, has superb documentation, and the software is rock solid stable. There is a mailing list community of users who know this product from A to Z, and they work very hard to help everyone who asks. Unlike many mailing lists, these folks are eager to help. They are kind to folks new to the mailing list, those who are new to the product and they are even nice to those who are not completely comfortable with the computer.

My thanks to all of you on this list for your help and a wonderful product.

David Teague
Double Bass in Fifths Tuning
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, WCU, a constituent institution of the UNC system.

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