Slightly off topic, I know, but I thought of interest ...
I received the following today from a friend who follows Mac and MS technology 
rather closely.
=========== begin quote =====

Todays Developer's seed copy of the new Apple OS Leopard includes  
importing and exporting documents in Office 2007 formats. (Text Edit  

On the MS front, there's something going on with Visual Basic. The MS  
Mac Business Unit has said that VB will not be supported in future  
versions of Office for Mac (it is there in the current version).  I  
think that VB is being downplayed in Office 2007 also in favor of  
some sort of .Net solution. but is included in the current release.  
The Mac forums are busy on the issue since it appears that VB gets a  
fair amount of use in work related Excel use.  It is possible to use  
both Apple's Automator and Apple Script with Office but of course the  
issue becomes one of cross platform compatibility.
========== end quote =======

Harold Fuchs
London, England

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