Using OOo 2.1 on an Intel Core Duo iMac OSX v 10.4.10 with an Epson R1800 printer I could not print documents unless by first saving as PDF and then printing from that. Fortunately I do little printing.

With OOo 2.2 now installed, I am delighted to be able to print directly.

However, the default 2.00cm margin all round gives me no top margin at all on the printed page though all four 2.00cm margins show properly in the window. The margin of the leading edge out of the printer of each sheet printed (i.e. the top edge in Portrait format and the right edge in Landscape) is always 2cm less than is set. In other words, if I want to print a portrait A4 page with 2.0cm margins all round I have to set T, 4.00cm; L & R 2.00cm and B 0.00cm. In landscape I need T & B 2.00cm; R 4.00cm and L 0.00cm.

The problem seems to lie between OOo and Epson, because using the default T, B, L & R @ 2.00cm and saving first as PDF, documents print properly with 2cm margins all round. Non-standard margins set in Format -> Page also print correctly, but again only if I first save as PDF.

Though I do very little printed work I would greatly appreciate some help to resolve this.


Gavin Cairns

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