Russell Butler schrieb:
>> Assuming he doesn't want the German version.
> thanks for the correct link, forgot to link to the English version.
> Charles, Russel and me provided you with a direct link in order to
> facilitate the download. If you need another language got to
> -> "I want to download"
> -> "Get more platforms and languages"
> -> choose Linux 64 DEB according to your language.
> Franz
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Thanks for the help. I attempted install the file after download the file
from your link.  However, it was identical to the previous two downloads
and did not really succeed in installing the program(s).  However, when
I returned
after that to ADEPT and attempted to install for the umpteenth time,
it asked for my APTonCD disk and I got a successful install off that.
Go figure!!!
I have no idea how or why it only now decided to ask for the disk, which
by the
way, APTonCD will not recognize to do a restoral.
Thanks for your help!

Tom Bell

 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  -- Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis (Juvenal), Roman 
Poet, late 1st, early 2nd century AD
("Who will protect us from the protectors?")

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