i forgot to send attachment with my earlier mail
sorry for the same.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 2:31 PM
Subject: problem is in version OOo 1.9.104.

i am user of open office software.
the beta version of OOo is very nice and fast also.
now i am using OOo 1.9.104.
in the same version when i open my text document
it open but not in earlier possion. it looks very scattered document.
in this document i have use shivaji05  font
in my earlier version OOo 1.9.79 the above document was works in a
correct way. no any problem.
the problem is in version OOo 1.9.104.
i have sent one attachment of same document along with font used in the same.
please guide me.
thanking you.

--- Scan Report ---------------------------------------------------

Scanning Options Used :
Scan inside .ZIP and .ARJ files.
Disinfect whenever possible.
Scan compressed executables.
Scan of all type of files.
Remove infected Contents in attachments (Neutralize).
Detect standard Zip files irrespective of file extension.
Clean inside standard Zip files.

From: "Bumper India Pvt. Ltd." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: problem is in version OOo 1.9.104.
01. Name: noname (Type: multipart/alternative)
>> * No virus found * <<
01. Name: noname (Type: text/plain)
>> * No virus found * <<

02. Name: noname (Type: text/html)
>> * No virus found * <<

02. Name: bayo.odt (Type: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)
>> * No virus found * <<

CxProtect Cleaned 0 infections and Neutralized : 0

Attachment: bayo.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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