Thanks Mike Scott.

On Sun, 2011-08-07 at 07:58 +0100, Mike Scott wrote:

> >>> Dotage must be setting in.
> >>
> >> I wouldn't assume that.
> >

> >
> Well, I'm tempted offer "your own" solution. You seem to be using the 
> right words:
> "Insert | section", specify two columns. Enter material in col 1, insert 
> a column break and do column 2.
> Put cursor /after/ that section, and repeat as many times as you want.
> Seems to do more or less what you ask.

It was dotage.  I have no other explanation.  I must have looked at the
insert function 20 times.  It never registered on me to check the
columns tab.  It can only be explained by oldfartism.

Regards Bill
Fedora 14, Gnome 2.32
Evo.2.32, Emacs 23.2.1

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