On 31/01/11 19:24, Jordan Grode wrote:
Hi. I have a question about your software. When I press the space
button, the cursor only moves once unless I press another letter then
the cursor moves once more. If I just pess the space button and hold
it down,the cursor only moves once. I have two computers with your
software and only one of them has this problem. Any solutions? I
talked to another volunteer who didn't know the answer. Thanks.

Hmmph. That I rather resent - that possibly refers to me, offering the obvious 'autocorrect options' suggestion, which I'll cut'n'paste here:

"Check the autocorrect options(*). There's one for ignoring multiple spaces which (I've just checked) has that effect when enabled.

If you search the help file for 'spaces' you'll find it under 'options' - not the most helpful of entries, I agree."

(*) I'm running 3.2.0 on ubuntu, and they're under Tools|Autocorrect Options. I /think/ this may be different under windows, but I can't check at present.

I'm cc'ing the still-unsubscribed poster against my better judgement - again with the injunction /NOT/ to email me directly; it won't get through now anyway.

To the OP - a subject 'Question' says nothing: please use a meaningful content. Not giving OS type or OOo version does not help at all. Ignoring contents of help emails just riles people - if a likely suggestion is made, check it out and if it's wrong (entirely possible where the question is so short on detail) say what happened when you tried it. Expect not to be spoon-fed, and be prepared to do some research yourself (help file and google, for example). And if you're mailing to a mail list - for goodness sake, do us all a favour and subscribe to the list! If someone says not to email them, respect that. Help others to help you.

Mike Scott
Harlow, Essex, England

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