I downloaded and installed OOo 2 Beta (1.9.79) today. Unlike 1.1.3, though, I had no choice to where I could have 2 Beta installed, it just went ahead and installed it in Program Files/Open Office 1.9.79 in the letter where I have Win 98. Is that an error or deliberate?

Since 2.0bc used Microsoft Installer, I would say that this is the right

Nope - it is never a good thing that a program makes decisions like this for you without providing you the ability/option to change it - and thankfully, OOo2 does just that...

It is not *real* obvious, but if you look at each install screen, you will see it. On the screen where it shows you the default path, there is a button to change it.

One thing that should happen that does not, though, is that the bootstrap.ini file should inherit the modified path for the User Installations too, but it doesn't. Hopefully this is just an oversight that will get fixed in the next build or two.



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