I'm a new user of Open Office. Can anyone help me with two tasks? Both are related to importing data into a word processing document.

1) Often, text comes in with a 'carriage return' (paragraph sign) at the end of each line, which you have to get rid of. Can I do this with search-and-replace?

In MS-Word, you just searched for '^p' and got all the paragraph signs, which you could delete, replace, etc. But I can't find the corresponding command in Open Office.

2) I try to import data from an open office spreadsheet into a word processing document, simply by copying-and-pasting. But the data pasted in comes out in graphics format, and then I can't do anything with it.

In MS-Word, the data came through in table format, and you could do what you want with it.

Can anyone help?  I thank you in advance.
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