
In their options menus rig your browsers to ask where they should save
stuff.  While you're tinkering there, note where presently they're
configured to save downloads.  Good bet your lost file will be parked
there now.

If browsers presently have no designated parking space for downloads,
the OO file is not so little.  Don't download again: hunt it down, which
is something we all should know how to do. 

Go back to the OO website and copy a distinctive string out of the name
of file to be downloaded. 

Execute a search of your own machine: enter "*", the string from the
file name and "*" on the find line.  No quotation marks or spaces here,
which is to say, the search term should be **string**.  Proceed to search.

Festoon all your stuff on its own tree.  Make a sturdy branch for
downloads.  Is easier to backup.  Is easier to find essentials when
inevitably your Windows system becomes infected with a malevolent
threat, of all which threats no anti- program can find and eradicate
greater than 75%,  and you are driven to wipe and laboriously create
another temporarily clean restoration. 

Akron, Ohio

Patsy wrote:
>> I recently tried to sign up for open office.  It downloaded but now I cannot 
>> locate it to open it to use.  Can you help?

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